
Entrevista con peleador peso welter del UFC Daniel "Ninja" Roberts/ Interview with UFC welterweight Daniel "Ninja" Roberts

El Octágono tuvo la oportunidad de hablar con peleador peso welter del UFC Daniel "Ninja” Roberts. Hablamos sobre su próxima pelea en Toronto, Ontario, Canadá en UFC 129 adonde se enfrentara contra el talentoso, Claude Patrick. También nos dio su opinión sobre la pelea principal entre George St. Pierre y su compañero de entrenamiento Jake Shields. Hablamos sobre sus pensamientos de la compra mas reciente del UFC, Strikeforce y mucho mas. No se lo pierdan.

El Octagono had the chance to talk with UFC welterweight, Daniel "Ninja" Roberts. We talked about his upcoming bout in Toronto, Ontario, Canada at UFC 129 against the very talented Canadian, Claude Patrick. We also spoke about his thoughts on the main event fight of UFC 129 between the current champion George St. Pierre and number one contender and Roberts camp training partner, Jake Shields. Daniel also expressed his thoughts on the recent acquisition of Strikeforce by UFC and much more! Don't Miss it!

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